Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

It seems so surreal that I just celebrated my 5th Mother's Day.  Fifth. 
(Or is it my sixth since I was pregnant with Redmond during Mother's Day 2010?)
For over five years I have been responsible for keeping, maintaining and teaching two little people.  And, they're healthy, adorable, hilarious, intelligent, and thriving.
Go me!!

They're so cute....even if they are less than cooperative when it comes to taking pictures :)
This Mother's Day was much more relaxing and laid back than last Mother's Day.  Crazy to think that one year ago we were in California celebrating Jason's brother's wedding.  I would think anything other than travelling across the country with a 1 and a 3 year old would be relaxing.
Jason surprised me with a beautiful Lilac bush.  I love, love, love lilacs, but Jason is very allergic to them.  But, he knows how much I love them so he got one for us to put up in the "very back corner of our property.  It will give us a reason to walk back there now" (ha!). 

 The kids also picked out special gifts for me too.  Ashlyn got me pink bubbles and Redmond got me this awesome pen "cause you like to write lists and stuff and can never find a pen, mommy".  Love him!

And, look at what Redmond brought home from school.  So cute.  Doesn't get much more adorable than this:
We started off just like any other morning - slightly chaotic :)  Trying to convince a toddler and a preschooler that they needed breakfast and trying to get them to focus on what they wanted to wear.  Once we were ready and packed up, we hit the road.  We picked up my mom and then headed to Ohio to see my grandmother and some of my family.  It's about a 2.5 hour drive and I'm so thankful for portable DVD players. 
It was a very small get together for my family, (did you know my mom has 10 brothers and sisters?  TEN.) which is a lot less overwhelming for the kids.  They had some cousins to run around with to burn off some energy which was needed. 

We had lunch, visited for a bit, then hopped back in the car for the trek home.  Thankfully, both kids were exhausted and fell asleep within 20 minutes of being in the car. 
We had a very low key dinner once we got back home with Jason's parents.  We ordered some pizza (cause I wasn't cooking!) and, you know what the best part is about having my in-laws over?  They take the kids and play with them and I can just sit on the couch and stare at the wall and not be interrupted for at least an hour.  Love it.
Oh, and want to see something really funny?  We went outside to play before dinner and realized we have two HUGE lilac bushes right behind the kids' playhouse.  Not sure how we missed those.  Now I have three (and two aren't at the very back of our property!).  That was easy!

And....I found two four-leaf clovers in our backyard.  Obviously I'm one lucky lady.
It was a great Mother's Day, filled with even more attention, affection and praise by my hubby and kids than normal.  Love these three more than anything in the world.  The three people who made me a mom.

~ Sara :)

How do you celebrate Mother's Day?  Please link up with Marie and I and tell us about it here!



  1. Oh my word. I love Redmond's Mother's Day gift for you and the gift from school! Adorableness!

    1. I know! Soooo cute! Although, I don't know that I want chicken sausage to be my cooking claim to fame :)
