Friday, June 8, 2012

Reveal Party!

We decided to do something fun to let our parents, Jason's grandmother and my best friend and her husband what we are having.  So, we planned a little cookout for everyone to come over so we could tell everyone at once.  We had a few different ideas, but decided on making cupcakes and filling them with either blue or pink icing.  The weather didn't cooperate, so we had to move the party to the basement (which is a wreck because it's getting carpeted soon ☺), but we had a great time!

blue or pink????
After dinner, we thanked everyone for coming and passed out the cupcakes, saying that the answer was inside.  It was a lot of fun!

Redmond had fun when he discovered the baby swing.  He cleaned everything off of it and climbed right in.  I can see this becoming a little bit of an issue when the baby gets here!

Anyways, back to the subject at hand............

It's a..............


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