Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Can it really be this easy?

Potty Training.  The worst part of toddler parenting.  Am I right?  Yeah, I'm right.

Redmond wasn't horrible to potty train, but it took awhile.

I was dreading potty training Ashlyn.  It's just not a fun time.

But, I knew that she was ready and really wanted to get her PT'd before Redmond started school.  So, I decided that it was time to potty train.  She's ready, I know she's ready.  But, she also tends to be slightly stubborn (I'm not sure where that trait comes from.....) so I wasn't sure how it would go.

Well, we started on a Sunday afternoon.  The kids had spent the night at Jason's parents house on Saturday so when she got home Sunday, her changing pad was off her dresser and her diaper drawer had been turned into an underwear drawer.  She was pretty excited.  Especially when she got to pick out her own undies. 

So, Sunday didn't go perfect, but it went pretty well.  She had a couple of accidents, but that's to be expected.  Rome wasn't built in a day, right!?

But, Monday.  Oh, Monday.  You know the day right after Sunday?  As in day numero dos in PTing land?  Yeah, Monday.  Monday was absolutely perfect.  As in not one single accident.  Not. One.  She even pooped on the potty.  On her own!  As in she went to the bathroom and I didn't even know she was in there until I heard a little voice yell "Mommy!  I pooped!!"  My first question was (because I was in total disbelief) "on the potty!?!?!?  I couldn't believe it!  She picked out a baby doll a couple months ago at the store that she could have as soon as she pooped on the potty.  That baby has been sitting on our mantle, sans mommy for months.  It finally has a mommy!!


Along with the baby, she got grapes (she couldn't eat them before because they gave her diaper rash), M&M's, iPad time and a whole helluva lot of cheering from Redmond and I (poor Jason missed the excitement, but celebrated once he got home)!  Seriously.  So proud of this girl.  So. Proud.

Over the weekend we converted her crib into a toddler bed.....a sad, but happy time.  She was ready for and needed the independence to be able to get in and out of bed on her own.  She couldn't wait to nap in it (with her new baby, of course!) And the kids are loving their new "ship" they can ride on.


It's been over a week now, and this girl has done amazing.  We've had two more accidents since that first day, but that's it!  We've been out and about, played at parks, eaten at restaurants, gone on a hike and more and she's done fantastic!! 

It still will hit me every once in awhile that I am done with diapers.  I don't have to buy them or change them any longer!!!  It's such a great feeling!  After nearly 5 years of diaper-changing under my belt, I welcome this change with open arms!!

 ~ Sara :)

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