A couple years ago, I was visiting my sister and we were talking about an acquaintance of hers. My sister was telling me about this "stuff they drink that looks like it's growing mold. It's this big nasty, slimy thing called a 'mother' and this stuff just sits on counter and they drink it. Gross!"
We both laughed and gagged at the thought of not only drinking something that just sits out on your counter, but drinking anything that has a "mother". Ew!
Fast forward to now. And, here I am. A fermented tea brewing, SCOBY owning, Kombucha drinker!
And you know what? It's actually really tasty! Not to mention so beneficial in so many ways.
Kombucha is a fermented tea. It starts out suuuuper sweet, but through the fermentation process, it becomes less sweet and more acidic. It's delicious and refreshing and I'm sold!
I went to a class about a month ago to learn about Kombucha and to get my very own SCOBY (Symbiotic Colony Of Bacteria and Yeast). Kombucha is full of health benefits:
- It aids in digestion. Kombucha is full of probiotics which help your stomach digest important nutrients and flush out the garbage.
- Detoxifies your liver.
- Helps to cure a hangover (see #2 :). It's full of vitamins and nutrients. Just what your body needs after a night full of fun!
- Aids in joint health. Kombucha has natural glucosamine in it, which is great for your joints and cartilage. It can help ease arthritis pain and help prevent it!
- Reduces stress levels and gives you energy!
So, to make your 'booch, all you need is:
1. SCOBY with at least 1/2 cup of established Kombucha. This is what I brought home after the Kombucha class I attended:
2. Tea bags - I prefer black tea, but I've heard green tea will work as well - you'll want 6-8, depending on how strong you like your tea (decaf is fine)
3. 1 cup granulated sugar (preferably organic, but regular will work too)
4. 1 gallon-ish (I usually use just slightly less since you already have some Kombucha and the SCOBY to fit in with the tea) of water, distilled is preferred.
5. A gallon (or larger) glass jar. I like Anchor Hocking glass because it's made in the USA. I use this jar.
6. A dish cloth, paper towel or coffee filter and a rubber band. (DO NOT use cheesecloth. I did. Fruit flies invaded one of my batches and I had to throw it out. Thankfully, I had another batch brewing!)
To make the tea just boil your water, dissolve your sugar, add your tea bags and let it steep. How long you let the tea steep is totally up to you. I like a strong tea, so I steep mine until it's room temperature.
You must wait until your tea is completely cooled and room temperature before adding it to the existing Kombucha and SCOBY. Adding warm tea to a SCOBY is a very quick way to kill your SCOBY. We don't want that to happen!
Once your tea has been cooled, slowly and gently add it to your gallon jar. Then, pour the existing Kombucha and SCOBY in. SCOBYs generally float, but they may sink as well. Mine started out as a sinker, but now that I'm on my second batch, it's floating at the top. Place your cloth or filter over the top and secure it with a rubber band.
Place your 'Booch in a warm, dark place and wait. After 7 days, taste it to see how you like it. I let mine ferment for 10 days and I love the taste. Basically, somewhere between 7 and 14 days. It all depends on your preference.
Here is mine after 10 days - you can see how much lighter it is. The SCOBY eats the sugar so it is not nearly as sweet as it was on the day it was made.
Carefully transfer the Kombucha to a pitcher(s), reserving 1/2 - 1 cup of the Kombucha and the SCOBY for your new batch. Put the pitchers in the fridge and enjoy! At this point, you could also add flavoring to the 'Booch if you'd like. Fresh mint, vanilla extract, organic fruit juices, the possibilities are endless!
Have I sold you on the great power of Kombucha? Maybe you're a 'Booch lover already? I'd love to hear from you!
~ Sara :)
This is so cool. I had never heard of it before!
ReplyDeleteI've wanted to make my own for awhile now...thanks for the post. Do you ever flavor yours with anything? I noticed that you mentioned a few things you can add...how do you know how much flavor to add to the final product?
ReplyDeleteHey Rebekah! I have two jugs of Kombucha brewing at a time - one with just black tea and the other with 1/2 black tea and 1/2 flavored tea. All the flavoring I do is after it is fermented. I always do a second fermentation (2F) and that's when I add flavorings - a little goes a long way - especially with certain fruits! Right now I have some with about 1/4 tsp of freshly grated ginger and 2 tbsp. minced pineapple. Please shoot me an email if you'd like me to explain more or have anymore questions!