Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Garden Update - Week 1

The garden has only been planted for a little over a week, but our garden is growing!  The first 3 or 4 days after we planted it was HOT.  Like low to mid 80's hot.  Although temps that high aren't totally uncommon, they are a little extreme for mid May.  Thankfully, we've since had a break in the high temps and are back to normal May weather - mid 60's to mid 70's.

We've lost a few plants, but we purposely planted way more than necessary because we figured that some transplants wouldn't make it.  We are also watering everything by hand to try and reduce the amount of weeds overtaking our garden.  It's time consuming, but I'd rather spend an hour watering every day than spending hours and hours weeding later.  However, we've been getting nothing but rain for the past few days so we've gotten a bit of a break from watering for now!

We started everything from seed this year.  Many plants we started in early April, but others we directly sowed into the garden.  I'm excited to say that most of the seeds we started in the garden have started to sprout already!!  Yay!!

Our radishes were the first to sprout - and they were planted two days after everything else!  I had forgotten to order radish seeds so I had to pick some up.  They are definite overachievers :)   We'll let them grow for another week or two and then we'll have to thin them out.

We've got beans coming up....

.....and corn.....

......and peas!

It's such an exciting time!  There's just something about walking out to the garden everyday to see how much bigger everything is getting or to see what has started to sprout.  Let's hope all this rain is doing us lots of good and not drowning us out.

Happy Gardening!

~ Sara :)

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