Thursday, January 7, 2016

Friday Favorites!

Hey everyone!  I've been slacking with my Friday posts (well, all posts really....), but hoping to get back at it!  Jumping right in with five things happening here this week:
Our Laundry Room is finally getting finished!!  Yay!!
We had our flood back in September and the last of the clean-up/restoring is finally happening.  Yay!!  I plan on doing a full before/after post once it's all back together and organized (ha!), but for now, here's a little teaser of my new floor:

I LOVE it!!
Since part of our laundry room redo is getting a brand new boiler system, we've been without heat for the week.  We have space heaters that have helped take the chill off during the day, but we've been spending our nights at my in-laws to stay warm.  I think Oliver thinks we're on vacation...
Have you checked out this month's The Monthly Meet Up?  My girl Marie and I host it once a month and it's a great place to set monthly goals!  Do you have any New Year's resolutions or any goals you have for the month?  You should come join and link up with us!!

If you follow me on Instagram, you may have seen my post of this new cookbook I got, Fermentation for Beginners.  I'm soooo excited about this book, y'all!  I've done a little fermenting already - sauerkraut, kimchi, honey garlic, and of course my beloved Kombucha.  I'm anxious to experiment more.  My family has a history of stomach issues and I want them far away from me.  Probiotics are good for gut health and fermented foods are full of probiotics.  #probioticsforthewin
I don't want to brag or anything, but.....
I've kind of got my own ninja turtle up in here.

Bring it, Shredder!
Hope you all had a great holiday and are adjusting back to your normal....whatever that may be ;)

~ Sara :)

I'm linking up with, Darci, AprilNatasha, and Christina for the Five on Friday link-up Party!
I'm linking up with A Little Bit of EverythingMomfessionals, and Grace and Love for my Friday Favorites!
I'm linking up with September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for the Oh Hey Friday linky party!
I'm also linking up with The Diary of a Real Housewife for Friday Favorites!
Also, I'm linking with Caitlin, Della, Tif and Katie for High Five for Friday! 


  1. Haha, I love your ninja turtle! So cute! And yay for finishing renos! There is no better feeling in the world!

  2. I can't believe that flood happened in September! WOW! Oh and guuuurl, your kids are so stinkin' cute!
