Thursday, January 3, 2013

I'm coming back, I promise!

I have really lacked in the blogging department lately. My laptop died about a month or so ago so I have relied on my iPad for all my Internet usage. And, well, posting blogs from the iPad kinda sorta sucks. But, I have a new laptop on the way - it might even be here today. Yay!

I'm making a few changes in my life for the new year - getting back in shape, becoming more organized, having a cleaner house, blah, blah, blah. I also plan on blogging more. I want to document all the cute (and the not-so-cute) things my kids are doing, start actually posting all of the recipes I take pictures of with good intentions but never get around to, and post more about life in general.

So, soon I will be posting more. I need to post about the awesome dinner I made for Christmas Eve (Beef and Portabella Wellingtons!), our annual White Elephant Christmas party, Christmas tree hunting and just plain ol' Christmas. So yeah, I have lots of catching up to do.

For now I'll leave you with a picture of my baby girl who is getting SO big and giving lots of smiles everyday!

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