Insipired by an online mommy friend, I decided to start a new Christmas tradition with Redmond this year; I wanted to supply a family or child with Christmas presents who can not afford them. I remember in High School the local K-Mart had a tree inside the door that had names of needy kids. You pick a name, buy a gift and then that child suddenly had a Christmas. I couldn't wait to do a little shopping and send a personlized card to a child and just know that I made their day. Since it's the week before Christmas I was worried that it was too late, but I found an "Angel Tree" in Wal-Mart. It's set up by a place a couple towns over for abused/mentally handicapped children. We walked up to it and Redmond instantly reached out to grab a card from the tree. I didn't pay much attention until I had the card in my hand....that's when I noticed that it, along with almost all of the other cards on the tree had a donation envelope attached to it.
Redmond ended up picking a card for 'Boy #14 - Age 17". First of all, I hated the fact that this child was just given a number. I totally understand not wanting to use a full name, but not even a first name? Turns out that what this child wanted was a donation for a Nintendo system for the whole school to use! Now, obviously, I don't know "the whole story", but it seems that there would be at least one thing that this child would want just for himself. It makes me sad for all of those kids with their names on the tree with donation envelopes attached to them so maybe they can get one thing they can share with all of the other kids. And, what happens with this money if they don't raise enough for this Nintendo?
I don't know, maybe I'm putting too much thought into this, but I really don't even feel like it's teaching Redmond a good lesson. Next year, I'll do research well before Christmas and see what other options we have around here.
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