Tuesday, December 6, 2011

12 Month Check Up

Redmond had his 12 month check up yesterday - we had to do it a couple weeks late due to being in Maryland on/around his actual birthday.  We have a little peanut on our hands, but he's growing and is healthy!  He has consistently stayed within the 10th - 25th percentile in both height and weight since birth - his head has been in the 50th :)  Here are his stats from birth:

Birth: (done at the hospital)
Weight: 6lbs 11oz
Length:  18in
Head:    14in

3 Days: (all weights/measurements from here on were done at his Dr.'s office)
Weight:  6lbs 5oz
Length:  19in
Head:    13.75in

1 Month:
Weight:  8lbs 12oz
Height:  20.75in
Head:   14.75in

2 Months:
Weight: 10lbs 14oz
Height:  22.25in
Head:   15.5in

3 Months:  hmmm....I'm missing these, I'll have to do some searching!

6 Months:
Weight: 16lbs 1oz
Height:  25in
Head:    17in

9 Months:
Weight:  17lbs 8oz
Height:  28in (I knew when the nurse measured this it wasn't right, I think it was more like 26.5in)
Head:   17.75in

12 Months:
Weight:  20lbs 2oz
Height:   27.75in
Head:    18.25in

One thing that we did find out is that Redmond has a Pyogenic Granuloma on his forehead.  We thought maybe it was a mole, but it has since been scratched open (twice!) and bleeds horribly.  A separate blog with details is coming soon.  We're just thankful that it isn't anything serious!

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