Friday, June 22, 2018

Strawberry Picking

I don't know about where you live, but here in Michigan, it's strawberry season!!  Our strawberry patch is pretty small on our little homestead and I desperately needed to make lots and lots of strawberry jam this year.  So, the kids, my mom, and I went strawberry picking!


I found a U-Pick Farm about 20 minutes from our house and it was so much fun!  The kids had an awesome time walking through the rows of strawberries.


The highlight for the kids might have been when the farm dog came over to say hello...then proceeded to follow the kids everywhere they went for the next five minutes.  What can I say?  We're dog lovers!


Other than Redmond taking one little break towards the end, the kids were troopers for the whole hour and a half we were picking.  They were quite proud of their hardwork, too!


So, we headed home with 16 quarts of strawberries!  My mom kept four and I brought home the other 12.

I spent the rest of the day hulling strawberries, making three batches of strawberry jam and hulling more strawberries.  I use this little tool to hull my strawberries.  It works great and gives you little waste.


Other than the jam, I also canned 5 pints of strawberries in syrup.  Hoping that these will bring a taste of summer to the cold winter months!

I also made Strawberry Shortcake for mine and Jason's wedding anniversary.  It was so delicious!

Happy Strawberry Eating!

~ Sara :)

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